16 of the people who answered were male, which is over 3/4
The most common age group of the people answering was 14-16
I created two different questions involving music genres and adding the votes of both means Rap is the most popular genre with hip-hop 2nd. Due to the similarities of these genres and them being the top two, I will gear my magazine towards this genre and audience.
The most common price that people are looking to spend on a music magazine is between £2-£3.99, which was expected and will be the price of my fictional music magazine.
The next question was what is your favourite design for a magazine and the option with the most votes was 'Other' which suggests a hybrid of the two. So because of this result, my magazine will keep a simple design but with an average amount of things taking up the page to suit the audience.
Most people who said they don't buy music magazines answered they would purchase one in the future so with my magazine I plan on mine having enough quality to make it happen.
And the final graph asks what caused the person to stop, with most answers that aren't other being 'lost interest'. This means I should make my magazine as interesting as possible and have something different about it compared to the rest.
All of these results have given me help to who I should cater my magazine for and what it should be like, not straying too far from what I expected out of these results.
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